We recently took a trip to Newport, Rhode Island after attending a beautiful wedding in Connecticut for the daughter of my high school friend. We visited two great restaurants and managed to stop at Claire’s Restaurant in New Haven on the drive home.
It was a glorious bright blue sky weekend in Newport and our Bread and Breakfast, the Sarah Kendall House had a large front porch overlooking the Newport Harbor, which was filled with sail boats. By the way the Sarah Kendall House was immaculate, beautiful, and served amazing breakfasts. It is in a quiet, historic part of Newport called The Point. The owners, Bryan & Fran, were pleasant and great cooks. It’s a five star recommendation from me. Right around the corner from the Sarah Kendall House, we stopped on our walk to put in a reservation for 7:00, at Rhumbline, a unique local and largely fish and fresh organic food restaurant. It was elegant and packed. It was fairly expensive but well worth it.
The next day we took a ten mile walk through the historic part of Newport and down Bellevue Avenue, the famous street with the huge mansions. We returned on the Cliff Walk, which runs behind the mansions along the beach. We wanted to eat something casual, so upon the recommendation of the owner of our B&B we went to the Brick Alley Pub. We were surprised to see the front of the menu said, “At Brick Alley we care about the health of our customers and the environment. We use locally grown, organic, and all- natural ingredients whenever possible. We strive to be eco-friendly in all areas of our business.”
The boat show was in Newport this weekend and it was a blast, just walking around the docks with gorgeous 80 degree sunny skies. There is nothing better than walking along the ocean in the fall.
We drove right through New Haven so we stopped at Claire’s and I had a large healthy spinach salad with a pomegranate ice tea that had bits of apple in it. It was very good and it was nice to see Claire again. She exudes fulfillment and happiness watching her run her restaurant.
Looks Greattt